22 Sep The party is on! Dreamland returns
The Dreamland Roller Disco party is BACK ONN!!!!!! Starting this Friday with a Soul Train Roller Disco in Prospect Park! I am thrilled to infinity to announce that we are BACK! Seriously, Im crying tears of joy as I type this! Ive missed being together with all of you and hosting this event so tremendously. I cannot wait to see all of you THIS FRIDAY 7-10pm (21 and over)!
Our attendance will be drastically limited, masks are required and other social distance rules will be in place. But we are going to PARTY with more joy than we have ever partied before! Tickets will go on sale later today! We can only sell a small fraction of the number we usually sell…. so buy your tickets FAST! Socially distanced party packages are also available! Ill post on Dreamland Roller disco.com as soon as tickets & packages are available!
Sept 25- Soul Train Roller Disco
Oct 2- 90s Hip Hop Roller Disco
Oct 9- Shimmer Disco- 70s Roller Disco tribute to Shimmer Star
Oct 16- Beyoncé Roller Disco