16 Jun Lola Star Rockaway Liquidation Sale
Please help us liquidate our business! We are in the unfortunate predicament of having to liquidate our shop during a pandemic so weve posted all our fabulous displays & furniture on our web site!
Please help us spread the word! We need to get everything out this week, if possible! Unfortunately that does not leave us enough time or the ability, due to the COvID shutdown, to sell merchandise (only our furniture and displays with curbside delivery). But we hope to have the opportunity to liquidate our merchandise at a different pop up spot once retail shops are allowed to operate. (Please let us know if you have any leads on possible liquidation sale pop up locations).
Soon our Lola Star Rockaway merchandise will also be available at lolastar.com for shipping or delivery.
But for now, you can own a piece of Lola Star Rockaway History! Our shop displays were curated by Lola, herself. The shop consisted of a fabulous array of unique, high quality displays…. which can now be yours at a drastically discounted price!