22 Jul A Hot Dog of an adventure in Coney Island!
The cutest little hot dog pup was trapped inside Nathans gift shop last night! When I arrived at 9 am I heard him scratching loudly at the gate to get out! Apparently he was afraid of the fireworks last night and ran inside to hide- without a leash or collar. The Nathans gift shop folks didnt realize he ran into the back and hid, leaving him trapped! So Lola, Maya and Three Coney Island characters who were hanging out at the picnic tables rescued the poor pup! When the gate was raised, all waited in anticipation to see who was inside! As soon as everyone saw him they all went AWWWW because he was so cute and he backed away in fear! Lola lured him out with a doggie treat she had in her purse! The police had showed up when we trying to find the owner and the little cutie was taken to the station where his owner rushed from queens to get him! Never a dull moment in Coney Island!